
In 2006, the four founders of Sapper Labs, coming from careers in government, law enforcement and intelligence, set out to establish a purposeful new venture with a simple focus: like-minded friends working together in the field of cyber defence and digital forensics. Together, they built a consulting firm with a vision for the future of cyber operations and defence. Over the next few years, they grew in reputation and capability.

In 2015, an open source intelligence venture, Dark River Systems, Inc., entered the scene and in 2016 released the first edition of Hunchly, a groundbreaking investigative software product. Sapper Labs purchased early copies and actively marketed it to Canadian law enforcement and military audiences. Soon, the success of Hunchly reached across Europe and other regions, a significant milestone for the company.

In 2018, Sapper Labs received a notable distinction when they were chosen through the Innovation for Defence Excellence and Security (IDEaS) program to develop an active cyber defence platform for the Canadian Armed Forces. Remarkably, Sapper Labs became the first company to complete the full IDEaS programĀ  by successfully delivering game-changing capabilities to military operators.

In 2022, Sapper Labs Group was formed through the merger of Sapper Labs, Sapper Labs Cyber Solutions, and Dark River Systems. The newly combined organization brought together an unmatched wealth of expertise, resources and creativity, building a strong foundation for even greater innovation.